Welcome to the Apheresis Research Institute!

The Apheresis Research Institute specialises in clinical research, development and quality assurance of procedures for extracorporeal blood purification and therapeutic apheresis. We promote the use of these therapy methods and provide advice and support. Our aim is to gain scientific knowledge and transfer it into clinical practice. In addition, the Institute deals with all issues relating to the reimbursement and authorisation of extracorporeal therapy procedures.

The AFI team wishes you happy festive season!

The end of the year is an exciting time: reviewing the past and looking forward with curiosity to what lies ahead. We would like to thank you for the many successful moments that we were able to experience with you and hope that there will be many more such experiences in the coming year!

Thank you very much - enjoy the holidays!

The AFI team wishes you happy festive season!

A selection of our fields of activity

  • Conception, organisation, implementation and publication of clinical studies and research projects in accordance with ICH-GCP and CONSORT statement.
  • Active co-operation in scientific research projects and their publications.
  • Publication and presentation of own scientific work both for scientific-medical circles and specialists, healthcare payers and health policy institutions as well as in an advisory capacity for patients and as public relations work.
  • Organisation and implementation of scientific congresses, symposia and workshops.
  • Quality assurance of extracorporeal blood purification procedures, both technical and medical-scientific.
  • Participation in projects for the creation and implementation of medical guidelines in cooperation with various medical associations.
  • Processing issues relating to health economic aspects and quality of life.
  • Further education and training for doctors and nursing staff in the medical and scientific aspects of extracorporeal therapy procedures.
  • Preparation of medical-scientific reports for doctors (e.g. HTA reports, individual cost reimbursements), payers, scientific institutions, as well as medical technology and pharmaceutical companies.

Would you like more information about diseases for which apheresis can be a treatment option or do you have further questions? Our team of specialists will be happy to help you.

Contact us